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[  Live Peace Into Being ~
~ Live Peace Into Being ~
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The path to Global Peace rests in creating PEACE within ~
A transition that goes beyond current patterns
to form the Next Stage of Evolution - a new species of
 kind, heart-centered Conscious beings,.
The impulse of evolution now emerging within us opens an
awareness of our potential in Christ-like abilities, right now,
right here, with an ability and spirit beyond religious / national separation to immeasurable possibilities.     Arvetta Souza, 2013
. Do YOU yearn to develop & express the genius and potentials within            . . . and have fun doing what you love doing? 

Emerging ARTS and MEDIA Cells offer unlimited
opportunities for 'Peace in Motion' and fun activities!  ALL
interests and talents are called forth! 
See PEACE CELL Tab for opportunities ~


Contact Page
​Blessings of Peace  
Welcome !

Home Page includes link to Table of Contents, Sponsors, Members, Quotes, and Videos

What did you do today for peace sake?
~Discover new thought, greater awareness, and co-creative opportunities~ 
Please scroll down, browse above Tabs & Articles, the 12 Peace Cells, view our educational
videos, and return often as we continue to grow and expand  ~

We have now entered a new era where Global Oneness is emerging.
 Many of us hear and resonate with this call and do what we can to 
 evolve ourselves and our world ~ to heal, to joyfully communicate clearly 
and lovingly from our Hearts, to 'wake up' - to responsibly grow into
the current accelerated spiritual energies and new ways of being  ~

We learn to express, share, and promote our genius?  
  To have fun doing what we most love while expanding and stretching to our
 highest potential with support of a co-creative community. To live peace Into being !

Symbolic is the aftermath in the bombing of the Boston MA 2013 Marathon !
"Boston Strong" energies have united people from local and global communities
in hearts of love, mindfulness, and a unity of vibrant living peace ...  
filling Boston streets every Spring with over 50,000 running, dynamic peacemakers!

    We offer fun, educational outreach and active participation in 
the emerging culture of peace 

INDIVIDUAL and GROUPS of conscious action in one of the 
12 spheres of life are invited to apply for promotion in our transitional Peace Cells ~  and
join us in co-creating meaningful peace outreach ~  -
 Please use CONTACT Bar or button below to chat with us!   

             Index:            Table of Contents (expanded)

              LINK:  Click on underlined titles:

                  "Ways to Live Peace Into Being"                  "The Peace Perspective"

Invitation: YOU are called ....

Share your gifts in co-creating a better world by
representing one of our 12 Spheres of Life Cells ~
expose your active work and compassion to the
unaware while educating and motivating
those in evolutionary transition !
View 'Pearls of Wisdom" by Gregg Braden​
Join our co-creative community, create wider exposure of your expertise
while helping others live peace into being.

​  Awaken to transcendent revelations ~ unlock the fire of passion that creates the universe and makes new birth possible. Gain deeper awareness,  inner peace. and transitions that affect the whole world.
  Peace is the 'force' from which all else flows .   

   Speaker and Consultant Services:   Please use our Contact Tab   

                                   We are a not-for-profit educational organization in the new
                                             transitional field of life.  Your donation is another way to help
                                             educate ways to live peace into being.  Small considerations                                                                                              add up, and Peace Sponsors and Abundant Angels of Peace
                                             co-create beyond their expectations!  Please donate today ~ 


Contact Us

                                              Let's Co-Create a Better World!

Experience Powerful Transformations and Inner Peace ~ 
          The Peace path =  Sustainability  -  Opportunity  -  Prosperity  -  Joy  -
        Unconditional Love - Co-Creating a Loving Culture of Peace ~
            "The important work of moving the world forward does not wait to be done by important men."
                                                                                    ~ George Eliot

                                Thanks to our SPONSORS and Supporters
Administrative:  Arvetta Souza, Linda DeHart, Mike Markovski                             Consultant:  Kathy Szaj, 

Peace Cell Members ( there are Entries on ALL Cells):
Linda DeHart  (Art: Colors In Motion)               
   Meg Brooker                  John Howe                             Jeff Volk
   Susan Bayley                Chinling Hsu
   Holly Cambell                Josh Hummel       
   Andree Cordella            Shannon Jamaieson, Esp.                                                   
   Christopher Graefe       Elissa Melaragno 
Rita Cleary - (Meditation /Inner Peace)
Louis Henri Pingitore  (Art: 'Light' Fusions)
Joellen DiLibero  ( Energy Brain Integration)
Dianne Chalifour (Energy Healings)
Werner John  (Flute Artisan)
Tara LeAnn Eriksson (Uninhibited Spirit)
Vera Sacks, HHP (EAV Specialist)
David King (Exaptive Tech)

To Those Who Share Our Mission of Creating a World that Works for Everyone:

There are now so many of us that ‘get it.’ We know that the way we have organized our economic, political, social, and ecological systems are inadequate for the times we live in. Most of us are on the other side of identifying the crisis and asking, “What do we do about it?” One thing is clear. We are moving organizationally from hierarchical models to horizontal models—from elites and experts to the engagement of the people. We the People, you and me, are responsible for creating the more beautiful world we want to pass on to our children. The new way of working together involves not only partnering with others, but also connecting our efforts for impact."    from  Kosmos Newletter, Nov, 2014

"Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”~ Rumi

"We are being called to greatness, to use the extraordinary splendor within us. 
                                                   To say 'yes' to harvesting the fruits of our capacity.
                                               We are encoded with extraordinary potential to transform                                                                    ourselves, our communities, our world.
                                               We can build an infrastructure of body and mind, 
                                                       shift from the smaller to the larger self, connect to a                                                                     greater mythic story, activate a high level of 
                                                      activity and live a deeper and larger life.
                                              Awaken, respond to that deeper yearning, serve the 
                                                     world, develop our gifts, renew the planet
                                                          and make the world a better place." 

                                                                                                     ~ Jean Houston  


​  How the Heart and Brain Connect ....
    by Gregg Braden   (must see!)     Check this out !

"We soon come to realize that personal growth, fueled by the willingness to accept
change and the courage to trust in the process, becomes a lifelong quest.  We struggle
individually and in groups to move from our ego-centered lives to ones that reach
beyond our immediate needs to the broader community of humanity, in
search of a way of being that nourishes us with a deeper level of joy.
Along the way we discover a host of new dilemmas, questions, and 
opportunities for further growth.
It is this shared journey of our inner work and outer work that links
many of us as members" of Live Peace Into Being and our
profound search for eternal truths.

Quote by Winston "Wink" Franklin, Executive Vice President, 
Institute of Noetic Sciences

 "Living to be me!"  - Anita  
  What awareness really is......
God does not call the qualified; God qualifies the called.   
                                                         ~  Author Unknown

                            "The strongest principle of growth lies in human choice."   ~ George Eliot

CUTTING-EDGE INNOVATION CELLS                           ~ Weekly Blog   #3                                                                                                                             ~ Documentary Link
Arts    pg 2  pg3          ~ Governance             ~ Media              ~ Environments
Health  pg 2                ~ Justice                     ~ Science           ~ Resources/Infrastructure
Education                  ~ Spirituality  pg2  pg3        Relationships   pg 2  pg 3     ~ Economics

    Peace Outreach, "Incubator Cells" and Cutting Edge Innovation"
           Click Here to Check Our Dream Board  . . . Inner Awesome = Find a need and fill it...
​                                              NEW  ~  "Living From Your Soul"  ~  Resources then Pg 2 
                As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world -
                        that is the myth of the atomic age - as in being able to remake ourselves."
                                                                              - Mohandas Gandhi - 

                                                                                  ONE - All is ONE Symbol as shown on
                                                                                       the ONENESS Flyer as a Flag 
                                                                                       along with Symbolic Meaning~

                                                                                   (Also a link on Mission Page and link
                                                                                   to Flyer is on the "Pledge to the                                                                                                  Universe" posted on Inspiration Tab.) 
Planet Earth moving to a new dimension ~
Louis Henri Pingitori

Light Beings,
A New
Form of Photographic

Visit his ART CELL -
Page 2 (link at top
of Home Page) -
check out  Color