Blessings of Peace
Welcome !
What did you do today for peace sake?
~Discover new thought, greater awareness, and co-creative opportunities~
Please scroll down, browse above Tabs & Articles, the 12 Peace Cells, view our educational
videos, and return often as we continue to grow and expand ~
We have now entered a new era where Global Oneness is emerging.
Many of us hear and resonate with this call and do what we can to
evolve ourselves and our world ~ to heal, to joyfully communicate clearly
and lovingly from our Hearts, to 'wake up' - to responsibly grow into
the current accelerated spiritual energies and new ways of being ~
We learn to express, share, and promote our genius?
To have fun doing what we most love while expanding and stretching to our
highest potential with support of a co-creative community. To live peace Into being !
Symbolic is the aftermath in the bombing of the Boston MA 2013 Marathon !
"Boston Strong" energies have united people from local and global communities
in hearts of love, mindfulness, and a unity of vibrant living peace ...
filling Boston streets every Spring with over 50,000 running, dynamic peacemakers!
We offer fun, educational outreach and active participation in
the emerging culture of peace
INDIVIDUAL and GROUPS of conscious action in one of the
12 spheres of life are invited to apply for promotion in our transitional Peace Cells ~ and
join us in co-creating meaningful peace outreach ~ -
Please use CONTACT Bar or button below to chat with us!
LINK: Click on underlined titles:
Invitation: YOU are called ....
Share your gifts in co-creating a better world by
representing one of our 12 Spheres of Life Cells ~
expose your active work and compassion to the
unaware while educating and motivating
those in evolutionary transition !
Join our co-creative community, create wider exposure of your expertise
while helping others live peace into being.
Awaken to transcendent revelations ~ unlock the fire of passion that creates the universe and makes new birth possible. Gain deeper awareness, inner peace. and transitions that affect the whole world.
Peace is the 'force' from which all else flows .
We are a not-for-profit educational organization in the new
transitional field of life. Your donation is another way to help
educate ways to live peace into being. Small considerations add up, and Peace Sponsors and Abundant Angels of Peace
co-create beyond their expectations! Please donate today ~