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This cell contains collaborative Insights into now and future health and healing techniques. The current evolutionary era is energy oriented and demands sustainable, holistic systems.
                   (Systems, methodologies, testimonials, new and holistic treatments in personal care.)

For your viewing:  click here - VIDEO  Page  and scroll down to:
"Dr. Burzynski: Cancer is a Serious Business"
View Infrastructure Page for New Tek Tool for Health Solutions
 Cancer Cured in 3 Minutes -  scroll down

                Evolutionary Health & Healing ~  

Brain Awakening ~  Energy Healing  ~  Joellen DiLibero CP
35 Poplar Street, Danvers, MA                                
     617 271 1935     

  •  Science teaches us that everything is energy:       
        All matter is energy; cosmic black-holes are
        filled with energy, our bodies are of energy ~ 
                  Energy medicine is our future . 

 Brain Awakening  consists of:
        ~ Brain Integration Techniques
         ~ Integrated Healing
         ~ Central Inner Alignment
         ~ Crossinology: Brain Integrated Technique

  Testimonials: On  
        you can read about several happenings in energy healings.  Experience
        this meditative body work and you will become a believer.   

                 ( "I have used Joellen's healings for several years with great success.     .
                         I would be in dire pain except for the energy sessions that
                    align, heal, and nourish my muscles and bones through Brain Integration."  
                         ~  Arvetta Souza,  Founder- )   

  BIO:       "In August of 1995 my life suddenly and unexpectedly changed.  Stopped at a red light, a truck rammed into the back of our car. The right side of my head smashed against the dashboard, resulting in a severe concussion and 2 weeks later an outside layer brain hemorrhage.  Many visits to Neurologists could not resolve my quest as to why I could not remember past events and would get a severe headache trying to do simple math equations in my head. I knew something was wrong.                       

In December 2007 my son and I flew to Colorado for Brain Integration by Susan McCrossin.  I remember the second night after the integration work , of waking up in the middle of the night because childhood pictures of our teens were running through my head.  I could do math in my head without getting a headache - I felt alive again.  My son, who is dyslexic, also had great changes.  The following March all of his teachers remarked, "I don't know what happened to him since the December break but he is soaring in class."  

I had something deep in my soul telling me that I had to learn the technique so I could help others.  I am deeply grateful everyday that someone told me about Susan.  I love my new work as Brain Integration Practitioner and being able to change lives as my son and my life
were changed.  I continue to study as new techniques develop and to deepen my knowledge and broaden my service to others."  

Earth Harmony Wellness
  7 Lincoln Street, Suite 306C           
      Wakefield, MA 01880

      ~  Dianne Chalifour  ~
  Holographic Energy Clearer/Healer  

           617 281 7361

     Meditation ~ Energy Sessions
 Adult & Children's Classes and Workshops
 Children’s Program – Roots To Branches

   Dianne Chalifour is an energy healer/clearer utilizing  The Melchizedek Method
   of holographic healing, and fifth dimensional energy healing.  She is a clearing
   medium with a variety of tools to assist the healing and ascension process....
   the journey back to our original divine blue print.  She is an ordained minister in
  The Order of Melchizedek. 

   For expanded details please visit Earth Harmony Wellness website at:                          

Cancer Cured ....
   Awesome Presentation by
   Gregg Braden in China....

​ALSO ..... the following is a
Link to info on energy of the
heart and the Science, Spirit 
of our connection:

Vera Sacks , Holistic Health Care
 Practitioner and - EAV​ Specialist                              
43 Jambard  Road   
Hollis New Hampshire 03848
Other Locations:  Groton MA, Woburn MA,
                            Manchester NH

Vera Sacks is a Holistic Health Practitioner and provides
 personal consultations in Bio-Energetic Screening, 
Functional disturbances of body organs and Food and 
Dietary supplement sensitivity analysis. The purpose of
 this program is to identify root causes of medical issues 
and design a program to meet the needs of your body.

Vera is trained and certified in Computerized Electro-Dermal Stress Analysis, Organic Nutrition, Tissue Cell Salts, Bach Flower essence, Homeopathy, Kinesiology, Chi-Gong, Johrei, Reiki, Reflexology, Energy and Chakra evaluation.

Computerized Electro-Dermal Stress Analysis is State of the Art Technology. Through advances in Electro Medicine Originally developed in Germany in 1950, we can now determine and treat energetic imbalance or pre-disease conditions while they are in “electrical imbalance” stage, rather than after cellular or chemical changes have taken place.

Once disease is visible through traditional testing procedures, it is usually difficult to reverse the condition. At the stage of electrical imbalance we can reverse the condition even before symptoms appear. This is truly preventative medicine and the very essence of modern medical science.

Vera will establish an Energetic Evaluation, a Functional Testing of organs and tissues through the measure of acupuncture points – energetic pathways of your body. These measurements indicate balances, or imbalances in the various organ systems and detect low level reactions. It also indicates which nutritional or homeopathic preparations and exact potencies will bring about an energy balance.

Vera will identify areas of weakness and the root cause of your health concerns, expose past, current or pre-existing conditions and their effects on your body. Your progress will be monitored through her program ensuring you stay on the pathway to optimal health. Electro-Dermal Screening is non-evasive. There is no discomfort or side effects.